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STM32U585CIU6 UART upload issue


I'm having trouble uploading to or even properly recognising the STM32U585CIU6 (brand new chip from Mouser) this chip properly in the STM32CubeProgrammer 2.4.0 and hoping someone can help.

I'm connecting UART via a generic FTDI, that is known to work fine connected to a STM32F411CEU6 for example.

It sort of connects, see below:

12:09:58 : STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.4.0
12:10:04 : Serial Port COM9 is successfully opened.
12:10:04 : Port configuration: parity = even, baudrate = 115200, data-bit = 8, stop-bit = 1.0, flow-control = off
12:10:04 : Activating device: OK
12:10:04 : Chip ID: 0x482
12:10:04 : BootLoader protocol version: 3.1
12:10:04 : Response received from device: NACK
12:10:05 : Error: Address not acknowledged: 0xFFFF
12:10:06 : Bank : 0x00
12:10:06 : Address : 0x40022040
12:10:06 : Size : 48 Bytes
12:10:07 : UPLOADING ...
12:10:07 : Size : 1024 Bytes
12:10:07 : Address : 0x8000000
12:10:07 : Read progress:
12:10:08 : Data read successfully
12:10:08 : Time elapsed during the read operation is: 00:00:01.417

On the bottom right  it's showing

Device Information:
Device ID:  0x482
Flash Size: 63KB

CPU: Cortex-M33

The flash size for this chip is supposed to be 2MB

This is a custom built PCB board, however i've triple checked the pinouts and i'm sure that's all fine.

i've tried a second new chip, exact same behaviour.

If you go on to try and program the chip it of course fails with numerous errors.

I also note in the Erase flash memory section it is only showing a 32K at index 0 - 0x20000000 listed.

Is there a possible bug with the bootloader on this chip or bug with the software perhaps wrong memory addresses?


Accepted Solutions

Sounds like a very old version of the software. Try something newer.

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Sounds like a very old version of the software. Try something newer.

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well that's a little embarrassing, yep old version.  Didn't even know I had an old version installed and assumed STM32CubeMX which I just installed yesterday on this laptop had installed STMCubeProgrammer as part of it.. but no, old version there.

New version works properly as expected. Thanks @Tesla DeLorean