2015-07-02 9:38 AM
For STM32L4.I would like to know if SPI2 and SPI3 maximum clocks are also 40MHZ or only SPI1 clock is?Ari.2015-07-02 11:08 AM
You always seem to ask question here that would be better directed to you're assigned FAE
The Reference Manual says both APB1 and APB2 can be clock maximally at 80 MHz, I'd infer from that, that SPI buses on either APB can clock at 40 MHz (PCLK/2)2015-07-03 2:26 AM
If you check one datasheet for STM32L4 product:Electrical characteristics/ Communication interfaces characteristics/ SPI characteristics/ Table 78. SPI characteristics :You can see that the max frequency of the SPI depends on the mode and the supply voltage.We do not differentiate between SPIs, the worst case is given.I hope this answered your questions,Syrine.