2018-06-25 6:16 PM
Hi everyone,
I am looking for an Altium Library of STM32L4 Serie.
I am starting a design based on
. They give the schematic and also the Altium's schematic (I am actually surprise because it's not useable if they don't give their lib), Anyway I can't find anywhere a library containing the STM32L475VGT6 schematic+footprint.I definitely can do it myself but it could save me lot of time, avoid mistakes and as soon as they are doing the project on Altium and they give the schematic, the STM32L4 Altium's components should exist somewhere.Thank you very much
#stm32-l4 #altium #footprint #stm32l42018-07-01 9:10 PM
I uploaded a library for those interested
STM32L4 100Pins
LSM6DSL, Accelero + Gyro MEMS (6 Axis)
LIS3MDL, Magnetic sensor MEMS (3 Axis)
LPS22HB, Nano pressure/temp sensor
HTS221 Capacitive digital sensor humidity and temperature
SPBTLE-RF Bluetooth Module
ISM43362-M3G-L44 Wifi module
And more...
2019-03-13 7:00 AM
If you open the PCB layout (PrjPcb file) you can create a pcblib from it. Click on Desing tab and select "Make Pcb Library" or "Make Integrated Library"