2012-05-10 2:17 AM
I have an interesting problem I hope someone can explain.
I was trying to modify the PWM_Input example from the StdPeriph examples to work with TIM5 so I could get a longer range. I have tried to use both TIM5_CH2 (PA1) and TIM5_CH4 (PA3) but on both occasions the input signal from my Agilent waveform generator SYNC output gets attenuated to 1.2V and no timer capture events occur.If I switch to using TIM2 with the same pins the signal is not changed and the example works as expected.Can anyone explain why I'm having this problem with using TIM5? #stm32-stm32l152-tim52012-05-10 4:46 AM
Sounds like the pins aren't correctly configured, and you are fighting a high output.
Does the STM32L152 even have a TIM5 ? TIM2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 (8 timers)http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/DATASHEET/CD00277537.pdf
2012-05-10 5:33 AM