2015-01-14 06:51 AM
I a facing a problem writing to eeprom using DATA_EEPROM_ProgramByte
what I noticed is that my byte gets duplicated and I end up with n+1 bytes written where it is supposed to write only n bytes I am using the lib stm32l1xx_flash.c V1.2.0My code looks like:DATA_EEPROM_Unlock();DATA_EEPROM_FixedTimeProgramCmd( ENABLE ); for( ; size > 0; size-- ){ DATA_EEPROM_ProgramByte( ( u32_t )pt, *p ); pt++; p++;}DATA_EEPROM_FixedTimeProgramCmd( DISABLE );DATA_EEPROM_Lock();please advicethanks in advance #stm32l151-eeprom