2016-01-13 12:30 AM
Hi ,
I am encountering an issue with the firmware update using the bootloader. I updated my firmware using STMFlashloader Demo.exe. The new firmware is correct. My board is working. But when I use STMFlashLoader.exe using this command: STMFlashLoader -c --pn 4 --br 115200 -i STM32L0_x3_x2_x1_64K -d --fn path\firmware.hex My board does not work any more. The downloaded firmware is different than the one I have loaded. The firmware seems like corrupted. Did i do something wrong with the command? Is there anyone who have encountered the similar issue? Thank you2016-01-13 3:52 AM
Corrupt how? Do a byte-to-byte comparison, and be more specific about the nature of the corruption.
I don't think tunnelling through the ST-LINK VCP is an ideal why to do this, the loader needs even parity, and no glitching of the USART when it tries to auto-baud the data stream. You could try lower baud rates, or a more direct connection of the USART2016-01-13 7:28 AM
2016-01-13 8:20 AM
Yes, I compared byte to byte using STM32 ST-Link Utility.
Ok, but what did you observe at the byte level, between what was written, and what you read back. I get the point that the comparison failed, I'm trying to dig a little deeper to understand HOW it failed.2016-01-14 2:50 AM
Here is the capture of the byte comparison(Sorry for the resolution, i cannot upload a picture bigger than 100 KB). The first difference is found at the address 0x0800 0004. Instead of 0x29 , I have 0x89.
2016-01-14 10:27 AM
Do you need to Erase the part before writing new data to it? Try using -e
2016-01-15 1:59 AM
I do not know if I need to erase all before writing new data. But I tried -e --all, the result is always
Erasing [NOK] Indeed in the ''version.txt'' file , it is told that the V2.8.0 of the STM Flashloader has its limitations . One of these limitation is ''STM32L ''Erase all '' feature is not supported.2016-01-27 5:36 AM
I tried -e number_of_pages pageN°. It is better. When the memory is erased, the data written is corrected. But I need to erase more than 180 pages, so the command will a litte long, because i need to indicate each pageN°. Is there a solution for it?
Thank you