2016-03-23 11:07 AM
We are going to final boards on stm32L053.
We need to switch from external clock to the internal clock. Do you have a how to or check list going from the Nucleo stm32L053 board to a production board. The only thing I have found it boot0, low. Is there a way to turn off the external clock on the Nucleo board and use the internal clock? So I can make sure it works correctly. What are the minimum pins are needed for programming the part?2016-03-23 12:04 PM
There should be solder bridge to disconnect the 8MHz clock from the ST-LINK's F103. You'd have to review the code in system_stm32l0xx.c, or equivalent, where it is currently selecting the clock source, HSE, BYPASS, HSI, MSI, etc.
How do you plan on programming it? I'd always expose USART1 somewhere so the System Loader can be used. For SWD, I'd expose SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST, GND. A production programmer would probably also want BOOT0. These don't have to be connectorized, and could be test-points, or edge castellations depending on your production/test methodology.2016-04-18 9:04 AM
Thank you.
2016-04-18 9:08 AM
Thank you