2018-07-26 02:43 PM
I am wondering if you can pin swap the data pins ( withing byte lanes) without any software consequences? If their are any is it easy to resolve?
I am also wondering if you can pin swap the address pins at all and if you do can you do it without any software consequences?
Thanks in advance.
2018-07-26 02:55 PM
No, I think your choices here are very limited. The Data Sheet covers the pin muxing options.
You can do some amount of arrangement where the system doesn't care (ie reverse D0..D7), but you'd need to review the programming/settings registers sent to the SDRAM during initialization, and untangle things per your wiring.
2018-07-27 10:13 AM
Yeah the more I read about it, it looks like I should be able to swap the data within their byte lanes but that's it. I still can't find any white papers saying that its ok for sure though.
2019-03-27 05:51 AM
I would like to know if is possible to swap data pins from 32 bits SDRAM?
Between data lanes (D0..D7) and between all bits (D0 for D30) for example.
I didn't find any document from ST.
It could help me routing PCB.