2018-05-22 12:33 PM
In RM0385, Rev 7
At the top of page 957, it states 'For I2C I/Os supporting 20 mA output current drive for Fast-mode Plus operation, the driving capability is enabled through control bits in the system configuration controller (SYSCFG).'
Looking at the SYSCFG registers, I don't see anything relating to I2C mode or drive strength. Am I missing something? If these I2C configuration bits were moved, where can I find them ?
2018-05-23 4:38 AM
I raised a request internally to hide this note in the
RM0385, Rev 7 a
t the top of page 9
You can refer to the datasheet to have more ideas about the available features and characteristics.
With Regards,
2018-05-23 9:40 AM
Thank you, but this does not answer the basic question. Does this micro have I2C Fast-mode Plus or doesn't it? There are other areas in the I2C section that speak of FM+, so it suggests that it does. If so, where are the enable bits located ?
2018-05-24 3:40 AM
,The support of
I2C Fast-mode Plus feature for this micro is limited and you should review the specification in the datasheet.
In this case, t
here is no enablebits.With Regards,