2016-11-10 10:39 AM
We are having a project in our class where we are using a STM32F746 touch system. We have programmed a code where we store some data on a file. I am wondering if anyone could guide me to how to transfer the data or the file over the ethernet.Maybe we need to make a code for that? We are maybe thinking using one STM32F746 as a server and other as a client?. Anyways we need some help to get started on how to communicate and send data.2016-11-11 01:37 AM
Hi patpatia.sundeep,
Welcome to our Cummunity.To develop applications on with LwIP TCP/IP stack you should refer to the user manual ( part 6. Using LWIP applications).You refer also to LWIP examples in at this path STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.5.1\Projects\STM32756G_EVAL\Applications\LwIP-Hannibal-