2016-01-09 03:31 PM
Hello everyone,
I wanted to make some applications on STM32F746-DISCO with use of WM8994 codec and I decided to start with making a working pass through audio - connect to jack input sound source and listen to it on output one. I read the examples and made a simple code #define AUDIO_PBUFFER_SIZE 128 uint32_t *buffer[AUDIO_PBUFFER_SIZE]; int main(void){ HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); BSP_AUDIO_IN_Init(INPUT_DEVICE_INPUT_LINE_1, 100, AUDIO_FREQUENCY_22K); BSP_AUDIO_OUT_Init(OUTPUT_DEVICE_HEADPHONE, 100, AUDIO_FREQUENCY_22K); BSP_AUDIO_IN_Record( (uint16_t *)buffer, AUDIO_PBUFFER_SIZE); BSP_AUDIO_OUT_Play( (uint16_t *)buffer, AUDIO_PBUFFER_SIZE); while(1) { // Infinite loop } } I have received data on receiver data register, but there is no transfer to transmiter data register - I used the debugger and there is no change in it and also the is a OVRUDR - underrun flag and FREQ - FIFO request. I have made few variants of code - including a one, where I just took the hex address of data registers and copied the data from one address to another - but it didn't change a thing. Clearly, I am lost. Could someone please suggest me where I am making an error? Any help appreciated.