2017-04-20 6:14 PM
CubeMX 4.20.1
Target: STM32F765NIHx
The Reference Manual (RM0410 rev 2) Section 35.5.3 (multi-slave) Figure 390 Note 2 states that the MISO pins of all SPI Slaves must be configured as alternate-function open-drain. However, CubeMX only offers Alternate Function Push Pull as a GPIO mode. Is this a known problem with CubeMX meaning I'll have to manually patch the generated code?
#stm32f7-multi-slave-spi2017-04-20 8:39 PM
My 2 cents: Only push pull for selected slave will yield high datarate, such as 20 mbps. Of course, make sure that multiple slaves are not active simultaneoulsy even for a short while otherwise you might have a stress glitch. My advice is to look with a scope and make sure your fw is not bugged and gpio glitch free.