2012-01-29 1:03 PM
I'm a new STM32 user . I'm wondering how to send data from the computer to the stm boardusing the RS232 cable .2012-01-29 2:08 PM
The voltage levels on a PC's RS232 connector are incompatible with the stm32 USART pins, so you will need in interface with something like a MAX 2332 transceiver, or an adapter cable with something equivalent.
A terminal emulation program on the PC can be used to generate characters to send to the RS232 cable. You then need to code a USART handler for the stm to receive and process the information. This is a very general overview answer. Provide more details on what you are trying to do, and perhaps more specific help can be provided. There are also discussions on this forum and the STM32 forum on USB and RS-232 communications that may provide additional insight. Cheers, Hal2012-01-31 1:29 PM
thank you very much
see what
can I do.