2024-07-09 2:07 PM
Hi, I am trying to implement PWM generation on PC06 from TIM8. The cubeMX is showing following warnings and not generating the clock on desired PIC_PC06??
RGB LED is Adafruit NEO Pixel 7 https://www.adafruit.com/product/2226
See the attached images and please advise for a solution ASAP. Thanks
Clock frequency 120MHz
APB2 timer #8 clock 120MHz
LED clock 800KHz, timer#8 period = 150
Internal clock warning: Clock source conflict with PA0-WKUP mapped with GPIO output.
I can't change PA0 as it is on custom board.
2024-07-09 2:57 PM - edited 2024-07-09 3:00 PM
>>advise for a solution ASAP
Stop using Cube, either get it to create a simple framework, or JUST CODE IT DIRECTLY
PC6 should be workable as TIM3_CH1 or TIM8_CH1
2024-07-09 5:08 PM
Yellow warning do not indicate errors. They simply note that you cannot assign additional functions since the pins are already in use. It is not the most user friendly solution, but.
There is nothing to correct or fix here, as least not in the screenshots.
Probably issues in the code. Are you starting the timer with HAL_TIM_PWM_Start?
2024-07-12 7:36 AM
Yes, I am using HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(xxxxx)
What possible issue I can find in the code?
2024-07-12 8:44 AM
> What possible issue I can find in the code?
You want me to guess at the errors in your code? Your original post doesn't mention any issues with the code. Wouldn't it be more productive to show the code here along with an explanation of what is going wrong, what you expect, and what debugging you've done? Preferably in a new thread as the question in the opening post has been answered.