2017-05-23 5:17 AM
Hi there,
i have the following issue:
Part: STM32F446V
HAL: Cube32MX, Version 1.16.0
I use SAI1-A with an ADC to sample audio signals (Stereo, 24Bit, 24kHz).
An Audio-DAC is connected to the SAI1-B. The SAI-B generates a waveform via DMA in circular mode.
This works well but - when using UART4 (for debugging),
the SAI1-B is not working. SAI1-A is still working.
As long, as i don´t call the function HAL_UART_Transmit(), everything works as expected. After calling this function (the UART4 works as expected), the SAI1-B stops generating it´s signals.
Maybe someone of you can bring some light to this?
Many thanks in advance,
2017-05-23 7:01 AM
I'd compare content of the relevant registers (SAI, GPIO, maybe RCC?) before and after the 'event'.