2016-03-21 2:56 AM
sdram clock run in 90MHz;LCD clock run in 24MHz.it not work(display ng).but LCD clock run in 18MHz,it work(display ok),but it looks blink,because reflesh rate low.
huw to solve it?2016-03-21 5:19 AM
800*600*4 *25 = 48MB/s
16bit SDRAM 90MHz -> ~150MB/s. Simply math. Only for read. Quite big bandwith LCD uses.2016-03-21 6:33 PM
Yes,I think so.But LCD clock run in 18MHz(18M/800/600=37.5),less than 37 frames(true 18M/1000/660=27 frames,it looks blink),LCD bandwith 18M*24bit=54MB/s,I want 50 frames/s,LCD clock will set in 33MHz(bandwith 800*600*3*50 = 72MB/s).But LCD clock run in 20M,display unreadable code.
How to solve it?