2014-03-13 11:03 PM
hi all as iam going to work on STM32F439 controller ,i come to know coocox tool is not supporting stm32f439 controller ,can any one let me know that what is the supported compiler to proceed me further..thanks in advance
2014-03-14 4:58 AM
GNU/GCC is certainly capable of building code for the F439
Keil IAR Rowley Atollic2014-03-14 9:49 PM
thank u so much
2014-03-16 1:28 PM
here is someone who only use cocoox with the st429.
Just ask him how he is doing , i know that cocoox don't use all the possibility from the st429 , but if what is working is good for you then use it ;) Cheers.2014-03-17 9:06 PM
2014-04-24 4:19 PM
2014-04-24 7:13 PM
Yagarto and CooCox are free, the former is certainly capable of build code for the F439 and any of the Cortex-M3/4 parts, the latter you'll need to review exactly what packages/support is provided.
Best is hard to quantify, what type of programming experience do you have, and what do you expect your tool chain to do?