2016-03-07 9:23 AM
Hello everyone,
I tried to import an usb library in Atollic TrueStudio . I receive this error ''fatal error: usbd_msc_mem.h: No such file or directory''.In fact that is such ''file or directory'' included in my project as the picture show.Can you help me solve this problem ?
Thank you.2016-03-08 8:11 AM
Hello radu.paul,
Could you please provide more details about the source of the example you are using. I suggest you to try this example that you can find in the STM32CubeF4 package:STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.11.0\Projects\STM324x9I_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\MSC_Standalone\TrueSTUDIO-ForumSTM32-