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stm32f429 disco PA1 & PA2 gpio issue

Associate III
Posted on April 06, 2015 at 08:30

I was able to toggle gpio PA0 & PA13 , but when I try to do the same using PA1 & PA2 I'm not seeing any changes on these pins (used an oscilloscope to monitor).

When I checked the schematic I could find these pins are connected to the interrupt pins of Accelrometer L3GD20 , Is this causing the problem or did my pins got damaged ?

#discovery #stm32f429
Posted on April 06, 2015 at 16:40

Well if it's driving the pins it's going to cause a conflict. Perhaps you can configure them in a tri-stated mode, or simply remove the chip?

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Associate III
Posted on April 07, 2015 at 06:15

Thnaks for the reply,

Well I cant remove the chip since the board is owned by someone else,

I want to know whether the pin got dmaged or is the pin not responding since acclerometer is driving it ?