2013-12-02 3:58 AM
I'm programming a STM32F427, so I'm searching between datasheet and libraries. I don't find answers anywhere, I don't understand if STM32F427 supports a flexible memory controller (FMC) or a static one (FSMC), because in datasheet I found that the FMC section applies to STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx only and I have to define the FMC module, but in the stm32f4xx_fmc library to reset FMC register I have to define STM32F429X and it doesn't make any sense.
Please, help me!!
#stm32f427-stm32f42x-fmc-fsmc2013-12-02 8:09 AM
Hi ,
I don't know if the st427 is like the 429 but i just finished a little expansion board for the st429i discovery with SDRAM and SRAM. I only use FMC for configure and use the 2 type of memory. Darth.2013-12-02 8:13 AM
Pretty sure the 427 supports 2MB of flash and not SDRAM. Use the FSMC
2013-12-02 8:22 AM
Sorry, maybe I don't understand. You talk about the st429i, but I need information about st427i. Do you suggest a kind of expansion to use fmc, in what this consists?
Let me understand you! :)
2013-12-02 8:37 AM
my problem is in the ST library. I have to define something different from 427 to reset the module in RCC_AHB3RSTR, or if I want to initialize clock for the correct peripheral (FSMC) I have to define (STM32F40_41xxx)2013-12-02 9:28 AM
/* Old STM32F427X definition, maintained for legacy purpose */ #ifdef STM32F427X #define STM32F427_437xx #endif /* STM32F427X */ Looks to want to use FMC, I guess you'll want to look over the STM324x7I_EVAL examples. It's not a board/part I'm actively playing with.