2013-04-15 8:31 AM
Hi, Am having this error, &sharperror ''Please select first the Evaluation board used in your application (in Project Options)'' i commented /* &sharpdefine STM32F427X */ in STM32F44XX.h but i still have this error , how can i fix it. Thanks #understand-your-tools2013-04-15 8:58 AM
Yeah, your not defining a BOARD that's supported, look at the #ifdef stuff above the failing line.
it is resolved thank you but now i have this error :
fatal error: stm324xg_eval.h: No such file or directory2013-04-15 9:48 AM
Ok, so you haven't correctly defined all the Include paths needed for the project (-I command line option list). You need to point into the Utilities directories containing the files the compiler needs to find.
STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.1.0\Utilities\STM32_EVAL\STM3240_41_G_EVAL2013-04-15 9:56 AM
yes i have no errors now thank you
2013-04-15 9:57 AM
2013-04-15 10:04 AM
There are numerous ways to achieve the desired goals, the library is designed to use
#include ''stm32f4xx.h'' Nominally in STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.1.0\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Include\stm32f4xx.h Which in turn #includes ''stm32f4xx_conf.h'', which you have in your project directory, and that lists the peripherals to #include for your project.2013-04-15 10:10 AM
You can also control the Include path search order, here is how the projects expect things to be defined. Adapt as appropriate.
2013-04-15 10:19 AM
2013-04-15 5:51 PM
The way ''the library is designed to use'' that clive1 describes in posts 4788 above requires that USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER be defined. You can see this at the end of stm32f4xx.h:
#include ''stm32f4xx_conf.h''
IMHO it is an aweful technique and should be eschewed.
However, buildingSTM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Driver\src files depend on it to get a definition for assert_param (*sigh*). To work around that,I'vemade a separate makfile to buildtheminto an object library. That way I can build my projects without using USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER. It has the additional benefit of keeping all their compiler warnings out of my project builds.