2016-05-25 1:23 AM
I enabled WDT in STM32F407 controller and I have a very tight loop which is resetting the flag. Here is the code RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_WWDG, ENABLE); WWDG_SetPrescaler(WWDG_Prescaler_8); WWDG_SetWindowValue(0x41); WWDG_Enable(0x7F); WWDG_ClearFlag(); while (1) { WWDG_SetCounter (127) WWDG_ClearFlag(); } However WDT is resetting my controller. What have I missed? Thank you for your time. Partha2016-05-25 2:28 AM
Hi Partha,
Please have a look to the WWDG example under the STM32F4 standard peripheral library: STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.7.0\Project\STM32F4xx_StdPeriph_Examples\WWDG\WWDG_ExampleThis example shows how to update at regular period the WWDG counter and how to simulate a software fault generating an MCU WWDG reset on expiry of a programmed time period.-Syrine-2016-05-25 3:15 AM
Hi Syrine,
Unfortunately I am not able to locate the library on st site. I tried searching but to no avail. Could you post a link please? Thank you.2016-05-25 3:29 AM
Hi Partha,
The STM32F4 standard peripheral library is available for download under this -Syrine-2016-05-31 5:48 PM
Hi Syrine,
Thank you very much for the link.Partha