2013-10-16 12:30 AM
I just want change to MCU from f103 to f407 and change my ucgui code into emwin style, so there is problem i want to create a window to show i created it then callGUI_Exec();
in while (1) loop
i found lcd init is fine, but nothing displayedi added write pixel in _SetPixelIndex functionread pixel in _GetPixelIndex functionso what should i do? Attach file is my codeWindowDLG is window which i createdTemplate is LCD driver which i useLCD_9320 is the LCD basic function all this functions works fine which i used old mcu and ucguiLCDConf is conf filePrivate.h in my understand is head file to public LCD funtion likes draw pixel or get pixel somethingbtw i used emwin lib which keil provide #32f4 #emwin2013-10-20 05:51 PM
2013-10-21 07:09 AM
The forum has negligible traffic with regard to emWin at this point, and even less with people with answers. Suggest you go to a forum that is likely to have a higher volume of posts and expertise, ie Segger's. There may also be consultants/contractors with such experience.
Consider if reading/writing pixels into a frame buffer really tests if the code to transport that image to the display is actually working. Also when posting code, consider how you construct the project/attachment so as to maximize the interest level in wading through it. Random pieces of an incomplete project are not interesting as they require far too much effort from the casual observer.2016-04-14 02:10 AM
I see that its 2 years since you said this, so perhaps things have changed. emWin appears to have been used for the demo that ships with the F7 Discovery board, so I've been trying it out. I have HelloWorld working on the display there, having converted an automatically generated GPIO HAL LEDs project in VisualGDB.
Segger say that first line emWin support on STM32 should be from ST, as the emWin trial version is FOC with the STM32 Cube firmware packages. There doesn't appear to be an emWin support forum per se here, so are you able to answer some simple ''get you started'' questions about emWin please?