2016-03-25 2:36 AM
I am trying to set up a minimal circuit for stm32f405rgt6 with breadboard and a breakout board.
The problems I have are:1. I can connect to stm32f405rgt6 via ST-LINK utility, and see the content are all 0xFFFFFFFF starts from 0x08000000. But the connection is very unstable. Sometimes, it could last for like 5 minutes, sometimes, connection lost in a few seconds.2. While stm32f405rgt6 is connected, I tried to click on ''program & verify''. I could get 2 kinds of errors:2.1 ''Elf Loader could not be transfered to device''.2.2 ''Programming error @ 0x08000000''I am not sure if the unstability is introduced by the breadboard. Do I have to use a PCB?Or the chip I bought is not good? I only have one stm32f405rgt6 at hand right now.Here are the detailed connection:VDD(19,32,48,64) 3.3vVSS(18,63) groundVDDA,VBAT 3.3VSSA groundI have 10*100nf + 4.7uF between VDD and ground.2*2.2uF between VCAP_1, VCAP_2 and ground.BOOT0 groundNRST,SWCLK,SWDIO connected with CN2(SWD) of the STM32F4-DISCOVERY board.2016-03-25 3:30 AM
Bit of a rats nest there. You have the grounds connected together? And the original target disconnected?