2017-12-31 01:30 AM
I'm using STM32F405.Now I need to communicate with PC and controller using USB i.e when I connect the USb to my PC and controller ,when I sends data from the MY PC, the USB understands the those characters and send in to micro controller. how to do it??
I don't want to add any serial to usb converter,there will be direct communication between
Thank you.
2018-01-02 07:59 PM
Thank you.
I did this number of times but issue remain persist.
In device manager com port shows STMicroelectronics Virtual Com port but with yellow tag.
When i checked com port properties then i found code error 10.
2018-01-04 12:46 AM
I have attached a STCubeMX project (for the STMF4Discovery). This compiles (in sw4stm) and is recognidsed as a valid VCP on my Windows 10 system (but does nothing).
If you insert a small bit of code into the endless while loop, it will continually send 'hello' to a terminal on windows (I use Putty).
uint8_t Msg[] = 'hello\r\n';
CDC_Transmit_FS(Msg, strlen((char *)Msg));
________________ Attachments : aon_vcp.ioc.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HyCw&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000b4p%2F4itqQ.cVgLW6RFXhX8lqsCbwPB5GkpB.fhYtYJ0xwK4&asPdf=false2018-01-04 08:51 PM
Thank you.
Now my code works fine.
When I try to receive a string that time i found received string is in not correct format.
string get shifted.
How to use received function in interrupt mode?