2013-05-14 10:37 AM
is the entry-level microcontroller in STMicroelectronics� high-performance featuring the ARM� Cortex�-M4 32-bit/DSP core. While running at lower frequency than other STM32F4 devices, it balances performance, power consumption and integration and claims the lead in its class by offering 105DMIPS at 84MHz, 137�A/MHz active current, 11�A typical STOP current, and a rich set of integrated features. For more information please refer to:http://www.st.com/web/en/news/n3418
Regards, #stm32f4012013-12-04 5:06 AM
Hello. I'm glad to see this value line of STM32F4 cores. Currently I'm near to finish of project based on STM32F103 core. I have an interest to switch it to F401 core since the price difference is acceptable. But I need urgently to buy few chips (5 pcs. - 64 pin TQFP) for prototypes testing.
At this moment, I'm unable to find them via our local suppliers (Digikey, Farnell). When is planed to have them on the market? Is it possible to order samples or buy them directly via ST store? Regards, Tsvetan Mudrov2013-12-04 8:42 AM
The distributors mentioned seem more of the ''retail'' end, for more commercial avenues you might want to push in through more traditional ST sales/rep channels.
As to the F401 pay VERY careful attention to the pin differences/changes, these are not drop in replacements for F405/F407 type designs.