2015-02-12 6:16 PM
i am working on a project with stm32f4 , ov7670 and dm-lcd35rt image output from my camera is doubled and also its colour is greenish following is my register setting
// Clock Settings // xclk 24M pclk 12M {0x11, 0x00}, // {0x6b, 0x8a}, // // check different {0x3a, 0x08}, {0x3d, 0xc2}, {0x12, 0x15}, // RGB processed set + QVGA set {0x40, 0xd0}, // output range till 0xFF RGB-565 select {0x3e, 0x11},in snapshot mode it works fine but in continuous mode frame overlaps i cant work out why frames are overlaping in such wayon each vsync interrupt i set my lcd cursor to 0,0 apparantly it is not working this way following is my intterupt functionvoid DCMI_IRQHandler(void){ if (DCMI_GetITStatus(DCMI_IT_VSYNC) != RESET) { LCD_SetCursor(0,0); LCD_WriteRAM_Prepare(); DCMI_ClearITPendingBit(DCMI_IT_VSYNC); } if (DCMI_GetITStatus(DCMI_IT_LINE) != RESET) { DCMI_ClearITPendingBit(DCMI_IT_LINE); } if (DCMI_GetITStatus(DCMI_IT_FRAME) != RESET) { DCMI_ClearITPendingBit(DCMI_IT_FRAME); } if (DCMI_GetITStatus(DCMI_IT_ERR) != RESET) { DCMI_ClearITPendingBit(DCMI_IT_ERR); }}image from my lcd output is attached can any one give me some directions about it?