2015-10-05 3:10 AM
Hello there,
I was wondering either there is a DSP library for stm32f4 with HAL framework?2015-10-05 3:44 AM
No. There is no hardware to be abstracted from...
However, the ARMCMSIS DSP Library
comes bundled with the CubeF4 library, since v1.4.0, in STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.4.0\Drivers\CMSIS\DSP_Lib\ , including examples. JW2015-10-05 6:09 AM
It also didnt make to much sense to me but since i have seen a package called ''...DSP_STDPeriph...'' it made me think that it is important.
I have found the examples, thank you.I run through some of the functions from there and I am a bit confised- Apart from some more complex functions there seem to be functions for multiplying 2 float values. Does this mean that when I want to do float * float I need to use the DSP library for that for speed optimalisation?2015-10-05 6:22 AM
Well one would hope your compiler/tool-chain is smart enough to use the FPU instructions, and math libraries when you check the ''Use the FPU'' box.
2015-10-05 11:31 PM
I am using OpenSTM32 framework and I do have hardfloat selected. Then I hope it works :P. Thank you for the explanation.