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STM32F4 Discovery stops execution after some time when connected to ESCs

Posted on January 12, 2016 at 04:59

I am using the stm32f4 discovery to send PWMs to ESCs. However, the program executes for some time and then stops. When I try running the application without connecting the ESCs, it works perfectly fine. Here, the power supply is provided by the LiPo battery and I am using the BEC of the ESCs to power the Discovery.

#!random-shit #external-power-supply #discovery
Posted on January 12, 2016 at 10:13

There are more or less two options: Software or hardware. 

Maybe you're triggering a software error mostly when you have the ESCs connected but not otherwise. 

But you think it is not that. That leaves ''hardware''. ESCs are ''power'' devices and may emit some Electro Magnetic interferance. Either throught power or signal lines or through radiation. First: try to keep them as far away as possible (if not possible in the final application, at least for now to try and find the problem), place (extra) capacitors on powerlines and make sure that you power your board adequately.... Can you use a scope to check power lines?