2015-06-04 4:56 PM
I have a STM32F4 Discovery + DM-STF4BB and I want to try lwIP on it. I have SW4STM32 installed and I am trying to create a new project through the wizard, using STM32Cube HAL, and lwIP, with and without FreeRTOS.I have tried many different project creation settings but haven't been able to compile any project succesfuly.The problems arise from various header files in the stm32f4discovery_hal_lib project that include other header files that either do not exist (eg. ''config.h'' included in Middlewares\Third_Party\LwIP\test\unit\lwip_check.h) or are located in the wrong path (eg. ''lwip/ip_addr.h'' included in Middlewares/Third_Party/LwIP/src/netif/etharp.c)I have also been trying to find a ready made lwip project for the F4-Discovery I could just import into SW4STM32, but the Projects/STM32F4-Discovery folder does not have any such project.So, is there an easy way to test lwIP on my dev boards?2018-10-17 4:44 PM
I think you need to manually add the include path in the IDE.
If you use eclipse based IDE, do it under "build setting -> C/C++ general -> paths and symbols -> includes"
3 years without an answer? wow...