2013-08-08 7:42 AM
I've bought those two boards, but for about 20s DM-STF4BB was rotated 180 deg. so +5V and +3V3 goes somewhere where shouldn't. Do you think DM-STF4BB survived?Second question: from where I can download examples for DM-STF4BB?Thanks.2013-08-08 8:15 AM
Presumably from EmBest? Who indicate the board should ship with a CD and examples.
I don't recall them being big about posting source/ip online. As for your board working? Who knows, you'd want to test it.2013-08-08 8:34 AM
Thanks, I've get it from Farnell without any CD. Yep have to chceck it but I don't like situation where something doesn't work and I'm not sure if hardware is ok.
2013-08-08 10:35 AM
A quick Google dredged up this for a software download, other apparently haven't got discs either.
I'd complain to Farnell, or Element 14