2013-08-07 1:12 AM
Can you help me a little bit?My thesis is about writing the code for image compression and decompression on STM32F103VET6. I have a RGB file and my tasks are writing 1 code to convert the RGB to a JPEG and writing 1 more code to compress the above JPEG into a smaller packet for transmission through the 3G network using SIM5218.The receive side uses the STM32 hardware which can extract file into JPEG format.So, is it available if I only use the STM32? or any ic DSP else? Could you share the code for me if you have, please?My mail is: duongtuananh.hust @gmail.com. Thank you so much!
#stm32 #rgb #jped #decode #ov7672013-08-07 7:51 AM
I'm a little confused about whose thesis/project this really is?
Take the STM32 out of the equation, can you do any of the tasks in C, on your desktop?2013-08-08 10:21 AM
2013-08-08 11:09 AM
This is my thesis: Using MCU STM32VET6 communicates with OV7670 Camera, the returned format is RGB565 sized 320x240 pixel. 1 image formats RGB565 about 150kb for one 0.3Megapixel image. Now I want to turn images into JPEG format and compress them about 15KB/1 image so I can transmit them in 3G network using sim5218. the algorithms of the image compression are implemented rightly on the hardware, it means that MCU STM32 directly does the algorithms of the image compression from RGB565 into JPEG or uses more IC specialized in compressing images.my problems are I do not have the algorithms of compression on STM32 and do not also know which IC should be used for the above project. Really hope that you guys will help me! Thank you so much
2013-08-08 11:45 AM
I got that part, but if it's your thesis, then this is basic work you should be doing, and studying.
The STM32 does not provide any hardware support for image compression/decompression. Some cameras can output JPEG or M-JPEG type data. Is this a master's thesis? Are you expected to code the JPEG algorithm from scratch, use the reference algorithm, or use some third-party library with an API to manipulate image data? If you need a JPEG implementation in C, aren't there examples out there that do this? Can you not recompile those for the STM32, MIPS, whatever platform? Do you have to write this is assembler? Does it have to be fast/efficient? Where is 150 KB of data going to get held? Are there not companies selling image processing software that support JPEG, that you could utilize?