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STM32F4-Discovery, DCMI interface, camera module OV5642

Associate II
Posted on September 03, 2013 at 17:02


I'am starting a new project and I will need to interface the STM32F4 discovery with a camera module (OV5642) via DCMI interface. (I won't use an LCD module).

I will need a high resolution photo (>1024 pixel). I'am not sure if this is possible with the STM32F4.

I wanted to know if this is possible and if it is not what should I add as electronics to make it?
Associate II
Posted on September 06, 2013 at 18:52

Like this one:


But I am not sure if it can be interfaced with the FSMC interface.
Posted on September 06, 2013 at 19:21

You'd need an STM32F429 part, the

board is slated for

Not sure the size of the SDRAM on that board, I've seen other boards with

The limit on a 32-bit device is 256MB, 128MB (16), or 64MB (8)

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Associate II
Posted on April 23, 2014 at 22:58

the stm32f407 have 4 banks of memory 64MB such as bank, but it's in the FSMC and I don't know if is possible use for an application without a external memory :S , is it possible?

Posted on April 23, 2014 at 23:18

You could stick a lot of memory on the external bus, you'd likely need to use multiple devices and external decode logic, and ultimately you'd be limited by the bus loading, and buffering you could tolerate.

The smart/cheaper route would be to spin the design and use an F429 device, and put as much SDRAM on it as possible, perhaps 2x 256MB if you could find the right devices.

Still you'd be crippled by the Cortex-Mx architecture and the lack of a proper cache. I'd just pick a more appropriate part.

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