2015-12-30 5:05 AM
Using a STM32F334K8T6 with 2 DAC channels. Each channel will go no higher than 1.5 Volts with a DAC Holding register value of 0xFFF. I expected 2.5 V because VDDA is being fed 2.5V from a reference. Where is this 1.5 Volts coming from?
More specifics:2014-12-31 6:21 PM
What happens when you avoid the forbidden zone and apply 2.9 to 3.3V to VDDA ?
Cheers, Hal2015-01-03 6:12 AM
You really can't go ignoring specifications in the datasheet without knowing what you are doing. In this case, the ''MUST be withing 0.4V'', is because there is a diode between the modules inside the chip.
So to come within spec, you need to increase the VDDA or decrease the normal VDD. Once you get things working, you could be brave and see if it continues to work ok for you if you go outside of the specifications. For example, one of the specs that you could ignore is the spec that pins may not be more than XXX above VDD..... provided that the current into them is sufficiently low. In general there are diodes to VDD on each pin, and by specifying that you cannot go above XXX, they ensure those diodes don't turn on. But in realitiy it is not that bad if they do turn on, as long as you don't blow them away with too much current. And still... if you exceed specifications in the datasheet, when it breaks you get to keep both pieces.... For example ST might ''improve'' their process and start to make chips on another process. that might change your ''outside the datasheet'' parameters, resulting in your application no longer working. Be careful....2016-01-04 2:29 PM
With a VDDA of 3.3 Volts (same as VDD), I see a max DAC output voltage of 2.5 Volts. I expected ~3.3 Volts.Roger-You're right - we are correcting our design oversight.2016-01-04 5:03 PM
How is the DAC output loaded?
JW2016-01-05 3:31 AM
The reason Jan is asking that is because the output of the DAC has a surprisingly large output resistance. Without the buffer, circuit the output resistance is on the order of Mega Ohms. Draw 1 micro amp and you're influencing the results very significantly.
WITH the buffer, you cannot reach the last 50-100 mV near the power supplies.... But the output impedance improves a lot. But it is still around 15k Ohm.... draw 0.1mA and again you'll get significantly different results than what you expect....