2016-07-26 5:33 PM
I have been trying to get the burst DMA working across Timers on the STM32F334 without success.
The reference manual has; The burst DMA mode is permanently enabled (there is no enable bit). A burst DMA operation is started by the first write access into the HRTIM_BDMADR register. It is only necessary to have the DMA controller pointing to the HRTIM_BDMADR register as the destination, in the memory, to the peripheral configuration with the peripheral increment mode disabled (the HRTIM handles internally the data re-routing to the final destination register). I have put together the following code for the DMA DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStruct; // Enable DMA1 clock RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1, ENABLE); // setup dma to point to HRTIM_BDMADR, using TIMERA dma channel DMA_DeInit(DMA1_Channel3); DMA_InitStruct.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t)&HRTIM1_COMMON->BDMADR; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t)u32a_burst_dma_buf; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_BufferSize = BURST_DMA_SIZE; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_Word; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Word; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_Low; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable; DMA_Init(DMA1_Channel3, &DMA_InitStruct); // DMA1 Channel3 enable DMA_Cmd(DMA1_Channel3, ENABLE); // not sure about this.... HRTIM_DMACmd(HRTIM1, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A, HRTIM_TIM_DMA_RST, ENABLE); // registers to be updated in burst-dma mode HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig(HRTIM1, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A, HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP1 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP2 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP3 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP4); HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig(HRTIM1, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B, HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP1 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP2); At runtime u32a_burst_dma_buf[0] = 100; u32a_burst_dma_buf[1] = 200; u32a_burst_dma_buf[2] = 300; u32a_burst_dma_buf[3] = 400; u32a_burst_dma_buf[4] = 500; u32a_burst_dma_buf[5] = 600; // disable DMA DMA_Cmd(DMA1_Channel3, DISABLE); // set the number of bytes to transmit DMA_SetCurrDataCounter(DMA1_Channel3, BURST_DMA_SIZE); // enable DMA DMA_Cmd(DMA1_Channel3, ENABLE); // not sure about this HRTIM1_COMMON->BDMADR=0xFFFF; I the outputs work fine when I update the registers from an interrupt, but it would be better to go thru the DMA. I have not been able to find an examples within STM32CubeMX, so any suggestions would be appreciated.2016-07-31 10:58 PM
Here is a solution
static void fv_htim_brust_dma_setup(void) { DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStruct; NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStruct; // Enable DMA1 clock RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1, ENABLE); // DMA1 Channel3 enable DMA_Cmd(DMA1_Channel3, ENABLE); // setup dma to point to HRTIM_BDMADR, using TIMERA dma channel DMA_DeInit(DMA1_Channel3); DMA_InitStruct.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t)&HRTIM1_COMMON->BDMADR; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t)u32a_burst_dma_buf; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralDST; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_BufferSize = BURST_DMA_SIZE; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_Word; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_Word; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Normal; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_Low; DMA_InitStruct.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable; DMA_Init(DMA1_Channel3, &DMA_InitStruct); // registers to be updated in burst-dma mode HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig(HRTIM1, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_A, HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP1 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP2 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP3 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP4); HRTIM_BurstDMAConfig(HRTIM1, HRTIM_TIMERINDEX_TIMER_B, HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP1 | HRTIM_BURSTDMA_CMP2); // Enable DMA1 channel1 IRQ Channel NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannel = DMA1_Channel3_IRQn; NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannelPreemptionPriority = 0; NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannelSubPriority = 0; NVIC_InitStruct.NVIC_IRQChannelCmd = ENABLE; NVIC_Init(&NVIC_InitStruct); } In your control-loop // diable burst dma mode before updating registers NVIC_DisableIRQ(HRTIM1_TIMA_IRQn); // update the registers into the dma array u32a_burst_dma_buf[0] = u16_S12_lo_FET_Ton; u32a_burst_dma_buf[1] = u16_S12_lo_FET_Toff; u32a_burst_dma_buf[2] = u16_ADC_trigger; u32a_burst_dma_buf[3] = u16_ZDC1_blanking; u32a_burst_dma_buf[4] = u16_S12_hi_FET_Ton; u32a_burst_dma_buf[5] = u16_S12_hi_FET_Toff; // enable burst dma mode to update all registers at once NVIC_EnableIRQ(HRTIM1_TIMA_IRQn);2017-11-04 12:00 AM
Hi S.r ,
Do you have a full sample HRTIM code with DMA? I stuck on HRTIM register updated by DMA.