2016-11-15 8:24 AM
I think this post is not perfectly suit for here, but let me share my problem.I would like to know where I can get the software pack of Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP_1.1.1.Or if there is any alternations, I would like to try as well.I am trying to develop a device with STM32F303k8.I developed some applications with the board through mbed platform.Toward more time critical applications, I am setting up my environment with Keil uVision5.So, first of all I opened an example blinky project in the Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP_1.3.0 pack.I was supposed to modify the example project to build my own application.But when I changed the device option into STM32F303k8 in the ''Options for Target'' window,the board support files turned red and compailer said it required the software pack of Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP_1.1.1.But the thing is I couldn't find such files in pack installer and website.What I want to do is run some example file of STM32F303k8 with Keil uVision5.So if I do not need to install this software pack, I would like to know the other way.Or I want your advice for the matter if you know how to deal with this.Thanks in advance.Marchall #nucleo #stm32f3 #keil2016-11-15 9:57 AM
The pack version can be obtain into Project->Manage->[Pack Installer] : right side -> Packs tab, select ''Device Specific'', and expand ''Keil::STM32F3xx_DFP''.or from the web http://www.keil.com/pack to obtain published Packs (Version: 1.3.0 Keil.STM32F3xx_DFP.1.3.0.pack)then, in the package, you may find pre-configured projects for the Keil IDE as well as a template project.So, as a start point, I recommend you the working examples within firmware package where the workspace is ready to use. You find a readme file describing how to test the examples and you can update the example according to your needs. This will help you to have more idea on how implementation is done.You can refer to the manual in this page.Regards