2015-04-02 5:00 PM
Hey, I'm trying to get the PCD8544 working with my STM32F3 and I used this code
http://stm32f4-discovery.com/?wpdmdl=1766that i found on this page http://stm32f4-discovery.com/pcd8544-nokia-33105110-lcd-stm32f429-discovery-library/The code was written for an STM32F4 so i had to change some .h files and i changed the pinspack from 1 to 2.I managed to display somthing on the screen but the text seems weirdlook this imagehttp://i59.tinypic.com/2gucl0p.jpgthen i thought of diplaying a filled rectangle and this is what i get.http://i62.tinypic.com/32zkfo8.jpgAnyone can help? Thanks ! #stm32f3-discovery-lcd-pcd8544