2015-03-09 6:24 AM
STM32F2xx + ETH + Send Email
I've a problem (I use STM32F2xx) : I need to send an email... but I don't know how!I haven't found
online. 1. Is it possible ? If YES... how ? 2. Are there some examples (with source code) ? Thanks a lot Luca #email #stm32f2 #dunning-kruger-effect2015-03-09 7:54 AM
Are you familiar with TCP/IP and Sockets?
Are you familiar with RFC's and IETF? Are you familiar with SMTP, POP, etc?http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-2821.html
I haven't found anything online. Perhaps you're not searching for the right things? Or expecting to find perfectly formed code to fall from the sky?2015-03-09 8:08 AM
No, I'm not familiar with this things !! I expecting to find an example that already works... to use as a starting point! Unfortunately I don't have time to study all these things. Thanks2015-03-09 9:00 AM
Unfortunately I don't have time to study all these things.
And people like me generally don't have time to create carefully crafted code examples for free, it's pretty time consuming and bills need to get paid. May be you should be looking for commercial stacks, and libraries, or books covering internet protocols, with examples. Or examples at the protocol level, SMTP, POP, etc. Or secure variants thereof. Although mail at this point is quite complicated, as most servers will think you are a spam-bot, and be hardened against you, so you'll probably want to be talking to a server you own and control. About 99.9% of your problem here is not F2 related.2015-03-10 1:56 AM
... I understand
!!Thank you very much
clive1 !!! Now,I've a problem (I use STM32F2xx) : I need to send an email... but I don't know how!
1. Is it possible ? 2. If YES... Are there some demo / examples (with source code),to use
as a starting point
? Thanks a lot Luca2015-03-10 3:21 AM
Read clive's answers - carefully.
That saves me (and others) from repeating him.