2015-09-04 9:20 AM
I've got Core107V board from Waveshare with STM32F107VCT6 (rev.Z) and I want to flash my program using USART1.
I've plugged FTDI converter the board according to the information in datasheet.
3.3V => 3.3V on Core107V
GND => GND on Core107V
TX => PA10
RX => PA9
BOOT0 and BOOT1 are set correctly for sure.I've used standard setting in ST Downloader Demo, Baud: 115200, Parity Even, timing 5, data bits 8.
Unfortunately ST Downloader says it cannot connect to the board (No response from target).
Could u pls give me any advice how to get it connected?
Please see the board:http://www.wvshare.com/img/devkit/Core107V/Core107V-intro-1.jpgRegards,
2015-09-04 9:35 AM
Check the supply voltages.
Make sure you reset the board immediately before you try to connect, and each time you retry.Consider using something like RealTerm, and in Hex mode send an 0x7F byte, and observe the response from the board.2015-09-04 10:24 AM
uC power is supplied from FTDI converter (USB). Is it ok?And I checked with real term. Nothing got after sending 0x7F (hex, send number).But after reset I got ''00''Regards,Tomek2015-09-04 10:30 AM
Then you're down to mundane things like double checking exactly what state BOOT0/BOOT1 are at the device pins.
And scoping some of the signals. Confirm it's being powered as you expect.Make sure the FTDI doesn't have the RX/TX sense reversed, confirm what way the data from the PC comes, send a continuous stream of U characters, review the signal on a scope.Review a board schematic, try programming with JTAG/SWD2015-09-06 7:23 AM
Hi Clive,
Thanks for your effort and advices.The problem has been solved. It seems it was HW problem, which is decribed in the document AN2606.My chip version 344 has some problems with running bootloader. Version above 937 doesn't have it.The solution is as follows:- If using USART2 for communicating, put +3.3V on: PA10, PA11, PA12 and PD6.Anyway thanks to you I learned RealTerm which seems to be very usefull tool now for me! :)Regards,Tomek