2009-11-28 1:36 AM
STM32F107VB i2s in slaveTX mode bug??
2011-05-17 4:32 AM
I have a problem with the I2S interface synchronization in slaveTX mode, the processor does not respond to signals issued on the line WS, below are pictures of osciloscope, upper line is the signal WS and the bottom line is the signal data(0x008A). Interface I2S and GPIO is set correctly. has anyone an idea why this happens ??
2011-05-17 4:32 AM
Hi kam.ciaston. I have the same problem. Whether you have solved it or not, please contact me: mike2001 /_at_/ tlen.pl
2011-05-17 4:32 AM
In fact, it's a known issue of STM32F103, STM32F105, STM32F107 devices with I2S feature used in slave mode. Because in slave mode, the I2S WS signal level is used only to start the communication. If the first synchronisation with WS is missed, there won't be any re-synchronisation done by the I2S interface. So be sure to enable the I2S interface at the right moment to synchronize data and clocks (monitor WS signal when at low or high level, depending on I2S audio format).