2010-02-23 10:44 AM
2011-05-17 4:41 AM
Any idea how to manage an isochornous EP in STM32F107 ?
2011-05-17 4:41 AM
Isochronous IN EPs do not work in current OTG USB library. ST has promised that this will be fixed in future releases. I don't know the schedule for this.
I need isochr. IN EPs in my project too, but I also have so many other things to do that I haven't debugged ST usb otg code very much. Actually it has some other problems as, these have been discussed in another thread. If ST fix comes before I start to work on usb code I'll use it, if not I'll just port some other free usb device stack for stm32f107.2011-05-17 4:41 AM
I found in the last release of USB-FS firmware library a reference to an ISR handle to OTGD_FS_PTXFEmpty_ISR().
I didn't find any function in the otg libs with a similar name. In the isr handle the for the gintr_status.b.ptxfempty is not called. I saw that the OTGD_FS_PCD_EP_Write() function don't raise the EP irq. I tryed to modify the function but the doble buffering doen't works! I'm in hurry with my project, if I find a solution I'll keep you informed2011-05-17 4:41 AM
Hi stefano,
I am working on the same chip (stm32F107VC) but I cannot do anything in this chip!!! I woud like to ask you if you have an example of GPIO configuration. I want to do a simple application to flash LEDs in my eval. board which is stm3210c. Thank you in advance. Regards, Hal.2011-05-17 4:41 AM
I'm developing USB applicaton using STM32F102C6. I want to send data from STM chip to PC by isochronous mode. I downloaded firmware program from wep site, named ''STM32_USB_FS_Device_Lib''. I modify this code to send data. But it does not go into interrupt service rutine. Is this a same problem? If this is a same problem, I have more question. The question is that, The Packet that i send, was correctly transmited to PC?Please answer me. thank you :)
2011-05-17 4:41 AM
Do you have correct descriptors? If not, the PC will never ask for your data because it doesn't know you want to... USB is host-centric, and if the host doesn't ask, bad luck...
2011-05-17 4:41 AM
Yes I have the correct descriptors, (I made a similar stack for the STR912)
The problem is in the impementation of ST-USB libs.
At the moment I solved the problem sending data in bulk mode and a windows driver but I'd like to use a standard Windows Audio drivers for the final product.
I'm waiting to see the next release of USB libs :)
2011-05-17 4:41 AM
Hi! stefano.
Did you make Windows driver? You use WDM? I have a same problem with you.(but i'm developing STM32F102C) I can not use Isochronous now. Please give me some hint. Thank you.2011-05-17 4:41 AM
Dear Hyun,
Yes I use a WDM driver model. For the windows drivers you need to download the Windows Drives Kit (WDK) is free. There are a lot of sample, I'm using a customized version of the basic USB BULK sample driver. In the sample you can find also an application demo that use the driver.