2012-05-18 5:08 AM
Hello, this is my first project using stm32F105 microcontroller, and i want to start developing application using this micro controller, so i want to ask about the compiler that i should use, and how can i use it with keil development tool.
Regards,2012-05-18 6:51 AM
i want to start developing application using this micro controller, so i want to ask about the compiler that i should use, and how can i use it with keil development tool.
well, if you want to ''use it with keil development tool'' the I guess that you need the Keil compiler. Erik
2012-05-18 8:26 PM
the STM32 website shows several tools that can be used.
the 32K version on Keil and IAR are free. You can download them. if you already have Keil, it supports the STM32. all IDE provider provide their own JTAG debugger and programming tool. You can also use very cheap ST-Link. All IDE support ST-Link2012-05-21 2:12 AM
I found this page http://www.keil.com/arm/selector.asp and i will choose one of the products that are listed.
But i have another issue concerning the pins that i should use to program stm32f105, and the programmer that i should use. Please share your experience. Thanks2012-05-21 4:32 AM
What i want to know is how to download the program to the chip? i read about boot loader, but when i connect the usb cable between the microcontroller and pc, what i have to open in order to send the program to the microcontroller.
2012-05-21 5:27 AM
For the USB, you'll need something like the DFU update tools, can't help you there.
For the serial port, search for the ''Flash Loader Demonstrator'' application w/source. Normally when doing initial design/debug you'd use a JTAG pod attached to your IDE (Keil would support the U-Link, J-Link and ST-Link easily). Basically compile and debug, at the press of a couple of buttons. For wiring you'd need JTAG or SWD pins connected to a header, I would strongly suggest downloading and reviewing all the reference board schematics to get a clear understanding of how this might practically be achieved. I would also suggest working with an evaluation board for the part of interest until you have a more complete understanding of the functionality, and how that might impact your own design/implementation.