2012-05-19 6:55 PM
I must say, the STM32F4-Discovery is most definitely the most accessible microcontroller I've ever worked with. I now have a fully working USB via CDC(ie. virtual com port), an LCD for basic data display, and now a Web-based(PHP) scripted-linked to a linux bash-script for interfacing(reading,writing) to the com port. Amazing what you can do with these things!
If anyone would like some help and/or guidance on the above, feel free to ask. #compatible-!=-zero-effort #stm32f4-discovery-usb-cdc-web2012-05-19 9:03 PM
add to that CAN interface, with a Wifi. SD storage for the pages.
2012-05-20 10:24 PM
I have bought STM32F4-discovery board. I have downloaded the firmware library version stm32f4discovery_fwV1.1.0 available on ST website. However this version does not contain any codes for MSC or HID or UART application. It only has the IO_Toggle application project. That is working fine. Now I want to try and run the projects that were provided for STM32F2xx evaluation boards on the discovery board. But when I directly load the project on the discovery board nothing works though both F2 & F4 are compatible as per ST website. Can you please help me in this matter.2012-05-21 5:19 AM
But when I directly load the project on the discovery board nothing works though both F2 & F4 are compatible as per ST website.
You were arguing this point last week, and while the physical parts are extremely similar (compatible to the point you can solder down one part instead of the other with a suitably thought out design), you will need to account for the differences in clock speeds, and wiring on the specific boards you want to use. You will need to do the code review and porting work yourself, if this does not appeal to you, you could hire one of the consultants/contractors that ST keeps a list of.