2017-05-16 1:49 AM
I want to use an winbond W25Q16JVSIQ Nor Flash for Firmware upgade (reserve 256K for new firmware downloaded from network ,and build FatFs file system in the remain space) and File System in a STM32F103RCT6 system, STM32F103RCT6 connect to W25Q16JVSIQ by SPI1 (remapped pin,ie SPI1_CLK on PB3 SPI1_MISO on PB4 SPI1_MOSI on PB5 CHip_select(CS) on PB8 )。
The attachment is my extern Flash and SPI driver, I called SPI_Flash_Init(),then PrintOutToConsole('FlashId is : %x \r\n',SPI_Flash_ReadID()); I get 0x0000!!! (Winbond Flash Id is 0XEF14).
2017-05-16 2:28 AM
,The idea behind the STM32 forum (and any other forum I think) is to look for help and share experiences/solutions.
So it will be interesting if you can let other users know how you resolved your issue. It may be helpful for someone else facing same issue-Nesrine-
2017-05-16 9:45 AM
The code is a bit of a mess, and not presented as a free standing project that can be compiled.
Make sure the AFIO peripheral is enabled to allow for remapping. Make sure to remap full JTAG functionality off, as the PB3 pin will otherwise conflict.