2010-10-25 7:04 PM
STM32F103RB Flash Loader V2.2 Problem
2011-05-17 5:12 AM
The communication between PC and Cortex is working properly and we can connect to the chip, But there was not devices in the target list! Why?
Perhaps it is not actually working properly. You could try the command line version of the software, and source code is also provided so you could examine the response of the device to the serial commands. The protocol is also well documented, it shouldn't be too hard to diagnose. Try some different serial ports, USB and motherboards. Pick a lower baud rate.
2011-05-17 5:12 AM
2011-05-17 5:12 AM
a) Confirm it is actually in the boot loader mode at all. RealTerm, send 0x7F, observe response.
b) The operational window for the boot loader is small, if it miss identifies the first character you send (0x7F at 8E1), it will auto-baud to the work baud rate. Reset, try again. c) Confirm the V2.2 Flash Loader even supports the STM32F2 series parts. Get a version that does.2011-05-17 5:12 AM