2017-10-25 7:32 AM
I am using STM32F103RET6 microcontroller. On my PCB, the USART1 channel is used as RS485 communication with a SN65HVD11HD transceiver. That means to transmit/receive each character, the direction pins RE, DE pin of the transceiver has to be controlled. Can I still use the internal bootloader inside the micro developed by ST?
If I cannot, is there an example about how to develop the bootloader myself?
Thanks, Jian
2017-10-25 8:07 AM
The built in loader isn't going to work very well for you, and it isn't particularly feature rich anyhow.
Boot-loaders are a staple of embedded development, sure there is plenty of material out there to be consumed.
ST has some IAP example code using a variety of interfaces. For serial my preference is X-MODEM, being small, robust and having its own flow control, plus a wealth of cross-platform terminal support.
There might be some protocols more appropriate to RS485, or other half-duplex channels. If you have to own the app development at both ends construct something that meets your needs.