2017-09-14 4:48 AM
(I don't know if i write the post in right sub-forum place).
I face to one issue to get data from one server using port 443. HTTPS for getting data instead HTTP. (First at all , I am newbie with secure connection protocol).
I am using one typical wifi gateway (i.e:HLK-RM08S). This is connected to one TX/RX STM32F030CC UART and then we send data to server..
Now, for getting valid data from server, we use one script developed under python.
( h2 = httplib2.Http(timeout=30, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True).I understand that this means that data is sent without encrypting. is it?. We want do same process with one STM32F030CC instead this python script.How I can face to this issue?. Does exist one library that I can import and it is valid for STM32F030CC device (in general STM32F0xx family?.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards.
#stm32f030cc #stm32f0 #http-post #ssl #tls #https #hlk-rm08s