2013-05-24 7:11 AM
I meet 4 compilation errors (see picture below) when running STM32F0discovery FW demo on TASKING IDE ! can you help2013-05-24 7:15 AM
with the picture in attached file
________________ Attachments : errors_with_TASKING_IDE.jpg : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzqc&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQI%2FaVcko1fvVdJiZN0h2cIKcqPwynawq924qNoHPSpkkOU&asPdf=false2013-05-24 7:43 AM
with the picture in attached file
With the shaky forum software, attaching pictures is the second best solution. I don't know the Tasking toolchain, but the label name ''__START'' suggests you omitted to add the startup code to your project. This code provides all the ''hidden'' features between MCU startup and entry to main. Most toolchains provide it as assembler file (*.s file), and include it automatically when creating a project with their ''wizard''.
2013-05-29 2:27 AM
The symbol ''_START'' is called from the vector table in the linker file '' stm32f0xx.lsl '' . In the last versions of TASKING toolchain , this label is replaced by ''Reset_Handler''. Please change this line in your linker file as follows :vector ( id = 1, fill = ''_START'' ); // Reset Handler
--> vector ( id = 1, fill = ''Reset_Handler'' ); // Reset Handler Best Regards, Nouha