2013-11-17 3:11 PM
The device selection says 2 USART, The datasheet says:
'1 x USART supporting master synchronous SPI and modem control; one with ISO7816 interface, LIN, IrDA capability auto baud rate detection and wakeup feature'But also says it only has 1 usart. I am confused. Can I hook up 2 115200 8N1 devices concurrently or no? Id prefer not to make a software usart, but I really want the tssop20 packageThank youJohn2013-11-17 3:25 PM
Other STM32F0xx parts have TWO USART, the part you selected has ONE.
2013-11-17 3:35 PM
2013-11-17 5:02 PM
The selector might indicate two, but the data sheet doesn't seem to be ambiguous about there being just one, and what pins that is available on. There are no references to USART2
Does Micro Xplorer suggest there are two? How about the STM32F030? It has two, though not in the TSOP20http://www.st.com/web/catalog/mmc/FM141/SC1169/SS1574/LN1826/PF258968