2014-10-16 3:24 AM
Hy all!
I have a problem with CubeMX and sd card init with dma channels. I check that all of the sd card example project has 2 dma stream for sd card communication. So that I would like to set DMA2_Stream6 for Tx and DMA2_Stream3 for Rx but CubeMX does not allow to do this. What can I do in this situation? Thanks2014-10-16 8:25 AM
Hi toth.janos,
Have already configurated your DMA2, by adding SDIO DMA requests for DMA2 Stream3/6 ? Which STM32CubeMX version are you using ? and with any STM32 MCU serie ?With regards,Heisenberg.2014-10-16 12:00 PM
I can configure only TX or RX stream whit stmcubemx 3.1.0 and stm32f407ig.
But now I check the 4.0.0 and this is support both streams for rx and tx. So the pro blem solved with the new cubemx.2014-10-17 1:41 AM
OK great !
Enjoy the STM32Cube experience ;)Regards,Heisenberg.